The Ultimate Church Website

Your Ministry Website. Completely Re-Imagined.

Beautiful Designs
Mobile Responsive
New-Visitor Focused
Follow-Up Integration
Unlimited Support
Analytics & Reports

Make Your Website a
Platform for Ministry.

Looking to attract new visitors to your church's website?

Most church websites are designed only with existing congregants in mind. To use your site to also reach new people, your website must be relevant to new visitors. Your ultimate website is a platform to address felt needs through sermons, podcasts, blog posts, live video, devotional notes, and more. 

A Library of Sermons

Read. Listen. Watch the Word Come Alive in the Lives of your Followers.

Multiple options, widespread media compatibility, and customized design layouts make your sermon manager an essential part of your church website.

Made for Mobile

"Mobile Responsive" Isn't Enough. Your Website Deserves to shine on Smartphones.

Designed to fit any screen, plus fast loading, HTML5 compliant, and so much more.

Follow-Up. Systems. Engaged.

Make the most of each visitor Interaction.

Give your website visitors an friendly reminder to come back again and again. Your ultimate website ties in your follow-up to keep users returning and engaged.

Email List Growth

Close the loop by keeping your visitors informed

Having a consistent follow-up strategy is one of the keys to an effective website. Your ultimate website uses the latest web technology and visitor retention processes to drive the growth of your follow-up contact list.

You can use this list to send event invitations, invite visitors to come back, and keep your audience informed via your organization's newsletter.

Live Chat

Connect with your visitors 24/7

Welcome new website visitors, invite them to attend events or listen to a podcast, receive engagement requests - all in real time or via automated responses. And that's just the beginning of the possibilities.

Built-IN Podcasts

Publish your messages to a Global Audience

Deliver your messages to people on the go. Your videos or audio discussions will be published as podcast episodes and pushed to your subscribers.

Compatible with iTunes, Google Play & thousands of RSS Readers

Automated Notifications

Connect with your visitors 24/7

Proactively notify your followers when new content is available on your platform.

Online Donations

Smartly Integrated. Consistently Effective.

Your ultimate website is designed to help you increase giving and engagement by making it convenient for your audience to donate online. Online donation buttons are built right into your sermon library, adjacent to your live stream, and on dedicated, custom-designed donation pages.

Absolutely. Unlimited. Updates.

Your Website is always up to date.

Save thousands of dollars every year with unlimited updates, re-designs, and graphics included in your website package. Simply call or email our knowledgeable staff - and we will make all updates and additions to your site for you. It's that simple.

Unlimited Text, Photo & Media Updates Included
Secure Hosting & Maintenance
Unlimited Website Redesigns Included
Automatic Weekly Backups on Amazon s3

Advanced Insights with Analytics

Leverage the power of Google Analytics - with a team to help you interpret the results.

Social Media integration is built right into your website platform, including:

  • qxif-thumbs-upFacebook Re-targeting Pixels
  • qxif-thumbs-upSocial sharing buttons
  • qxif-thumbs-upAuto-posting blog posts to social pages (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • qxif-thumbs-upFacebook Open Graph Debugging
  • qxif-thumbs-upSEO metadata configuration
  • qxif-thumbs-upSocial profile graphics and optimization
  • qxif-thumbs-upSearch engine submission
  • qxif-thumbs-upCustom social media integration

Made For Google AdGrants

Make the most of your $10K/month

Your ultimate church website is designed to maximize Google's AdGrants program: $10K/month in free advertising with Google Adwords.

qxif-caret-square-right Watch the On-Demand Webinar

Ultimate Guarantee

Have total peace of mind with your project - knowing there's a 100% risk-free guarantee on all projects. Always.


Monthly Plans for Any Sized Budget

All plans are month-to-month and can be upgraded, downgraded, renewed, or canceled at any time.

  • qxio-laptop

Ultimate Church Website


$0 Setup Fee
Only pay first and last month

  • qxio-checkmark-circledInitial Website Design & Development (Up to 35 pages)
  • qxio-checkmark-circledUse your own domain
  • qxio-checkmark-circledUnlimited updates & bandwidth
  • qxio-checkmark-circledIntegrated blog & social media
  • qxio-checkmark-circledAdvanced galleries & slideshows
  • qxio-checkmark-circledAudio/video streaming
  • qxio-checkmark-circledOnline payments & donations setup
  • qxio-checkmark-circledContent Library Setup with Audio/Video, Notes & more
  • qxio-checkmark-circledEmail List-Building opt-in forms & setup
  • qxio-checkmark-circledSocial Media Setup & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • qxio-checkmark-circledLive Chat Platform Integration
  • qxio-checkmark-circledHTML5 PUSH Notifications Setup
  • qxio-checkmark-circledContact & Registration Forms
  • qxio-checkmark-circledGoogle Analytics Setup and Integration
  • qxio-checkmark-circledPriority Email & Phone Support
  • qxio-checkmark-circled100% Risk-Free Guarantee
  • qxif-google

Ad grants Bundle

Ultimate Church WEbsite +
Google Adgrants Management


$1000 One-Time Setup Fee upon

Ultimate Church Website features:

  • qxio-checkmark-circledInitial Website Design & Development (Up to 35 pages)
  • qxio-checkmark-circledUse your own domain
  • qxio-checkmark-circledUnlimited updates & bandwidth
  • qxio-checkmark-circledIntegrated blog & social media
  • qxio-checkmark-circledAdvanced galleries & slideshows
  • qxio-checkmark-circledAudio/video streaming
  • qxio-checkmark-circledOnline payments & donations setup
  • qxio-checkmark-circledSermon Library Setup with Audio/Video, Notes & more
  • qxio-checkmark-circledEmail List-Building opt-in forms & setup
  • qxio-checkmark-circledSocial Media Setup & Integration (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • qxio-checkmark-circledLive Chat Platform Integration
  • qxio-checkmark-circledHTML5 PUSH Notifications Setup
  • qxio-checkmark-circledContact & Registration Forms
  • qxio-checkmark-circledGoogle Analytics Setup and Integration
  • qxio-checkmark-circledPriority Email & Phone Support
  • qxio-checkmark-circled100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Google Ad Grants Management features:

  • qxio-checkmark-circledAdwords Account Setup
  • qxio-checkmark-circledGoogle AdGrant Application Submission
  • qxio-checkmark-circledKeyword Analysis
  • qxio-checkmark-circledCampaign Strategy and Development
  • qxio-checkmark-circledAdvanced Keyword Research
  • qxio-checkmark-circledTexts Ads
  • qxio-checkmark-circledExtension Setup
  • qxio-checkmark-circledKeyword Reports
  • qxio-checkmark-circled24 Hour Email Support
  • qxio-checkmark-circledMonthly Ad Spend: Up to $2,500

Stay Informed. Get Inspired.

Learn How to Effectively Reach More People Online. Join For Free Along With Over 1K Pastors and Church Leaders.

Go Pastor Services

  • Ultimate Church Website
  • Google AdGrants Management
  • Mobile App
  • Live Video Streaming
  • Webinar

Let Us Help You

  • Digital Ministry
  • Media
  • Technology
  • Mobile
  • Social Media
  • Trends

Get to Know Us

  • Example Projects
  • 1-on-1 Consultation
  • Resources
  • Contact Us
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